Blog/Downtime in the snow – chances to be creative
15th February 2021
Lockdown doesn’t give you too many opportunities to be creative, and so if you’re a creative soul, you have to take your chances when you can.
That might take the form of a fancy dinner, arts and crafts at home, homeschooling projects (some of which become so elaborate that you have to submit them to your kids’ teachers with an apology!), DIY projects, or in my case yesterday – building a snowman.
Building a snowman is a fun activity under any circumstances, however, when you can combine it with another of your passions (luckily one that your five year old has recently begun taking an interest in too!) and use it as a creative outlet, then it can be so much more!!
So while other parents were rolling huge balls around the garden to pile on top of each other in an attempt to mimic your classic snowman (big ball at the bottom, medium ball for the midriff, slightly smaller on top for the upper torso, another for the head, scarf, coal for eyes, carrot for a nose and a pipe) we were dreaming up something a bit different.
Out came the bread knife from the kitchen as we hatched a plan for what would quickly become less of a snowman and more of an ice sculpture.
After trying and failing to create a huge pile of snow in the garden with which to work – it was too dry and wouldn’t stick – we chose to get the recycling bin and pack snow in by jumping up and down on top of it (great fun!) to make solid blocks of snow that we could stack on top of one another.
Once we’d created a tower of these ‘bricks’ to the required height, I set about carving away at the now solid stack with the bread knife until we got the desired shape, before both smoothing and detailing our ‘snowman’.
Obviously we went through the standard crisis of confidence halfway through when our frozen friend began looking more like a hotdog in a bun than the film icon we were looking to replicate, but rather than kicking him over (both of our preferred choice) we persevered and we were both delighted with the results.
What do you reckon?

Who is it I hear you ask?? Why it’s R2-D2 out of Star Wars of course!!
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